Due to power outages, we are seeing intermittent service interruptions. Our United Savers, Sam Houston, the Coppperfield Lobby and Champions locations are closed. We'll continue to post updates as they're available Online banking

Cybersecurity Training

It is important to stay on top of current trends as technology infiltrates more and more of our lives. Hackers are not too far behind with ways to exploit these technologies and our human behavior. At First Community, we pride ourselves on maintaining the highest security protection and protocols. Even with the standards we have in place to protect your information, it takes all of us to defend against fraudsters. We want to help educate you on how to recognize red flags to keep your information safe online to prevent potential fraud.

FCCU has partnered with Knowbe4, a leader in security awareness training, to provide this beneficial online course to our membership. To get started, please input your email below.

Please add in your email so that we can send you the training link.

A man in a black hoodie on a computer


Scammers pretend to represent an official organization (like the IRS) and call, text or email consumers to demand immediate money for bogus issues.

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Person can't unlock their phone

"Mobile Virus scam"

Mobile Attacks

Don't let your guard down just because you're on a mobile device. Be just as careful as you would on a desktop! 

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desktop with an open email that displays a warning message

"Special Offer"

Email Phishing/virus

It's a classic scam. The offer is typically in an email asking users to download a program potentially containing malware or will ask users to enter personal information. 

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Digital Lock


Cybercriminal Tactics

In these types of attacks, scammers present themselves as someone of authority stating you must take action to avoid a negative consequence.  

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